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What If I Knew I Was Beautiful...

"What Makes You Beautiful" - One Direction

Click here to play on YouTube

Really? I don't know I'm beautiful? This is among many other "love" songs that triggered the insecurity among us girls without us ever realizing it. It angered me so much when I saw the effects of this kind of so-called love songs to girls, especially my own sister who seems to love this kind of songs too much.

Let me make myself clear; I am not bashing or hating on the artist. I just have something to say about this particular song's lyric that bothered me so much. So I decided to write my thought in this poem. 

Okay, here we go...

You say I don’t know I’m beautiful.
But what if I did?

You say I don't know I'm beautiful.
But what if I did?

Wouldn't you just call me a bitch?
Wouldn't you say that I was stuck up, or vain, or some other kind of unnecessary bullshit?
Wouldn't you try to cut my confidence down to half its size, so that you could swoop in and tell me that I don't know I'm beautiful?

As if this was some sort of surprise?
Well, I have news for you.
I am not a parking ticket looking for your validation.
Your songs filled with sweet nothings are no longer to park for free.
They're no longer allowed to cheapen my self-esteem.

You say I don't know I'm beautiful, what if I did?

What if I looked in the mirror and actually liked what I saw?
Make-up or no make-up flawless and all.
What if I woke up really feeling myself? 
And, could post a selfie to Instagram without any self-doubt?
No questions, contemplation, or hesitations.
Because the only person's confirmation I would need is MY OWN.

You say I don't know I'm beautiful, what if I did?
What if I accepted compliments at face values instead of constantly feeling the needs to devalue myself for the of someone else?

"No, stop."
"You're just saying that to be nice."
"You're just saying that because you're my friend."
If you ever caught yourself saying these words, please take a moment and think again.
Please take a moment to marvel at the radiance of YOUR BEAUTY, both from the outside and from within.

Don't be afraid to be a woman who likes herself.
There is no need to love your body with trepidation.
Because that bottomless pit of hesitation that you feel, are only false expectations appearing real.

So don't let your fear get the best of you because every part of you is the best of you.
And if that is a crime, if this just so happens to offend everyone else, 
I guess I'll be doing bad all by myself.

So there. I'm done. That's all I have to say. 

Hey, sis! If you are reading this, do realize that YOU KNOW YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.



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